PDF Ebook What Doesn't Kill Us: how freezing water, extreme altitude, and environmental conditioning will renew our lost evolutionary strength, by Scott Carney
Verbringen Sie Ihre Zeit auch nur für wenige Minuten eine Veröffentlichung zu überprüfen What Doesn't Kill Us: How Freezing Water, Extreme Altitude, And Environmental Conditioning Will Renew Our Lost Evolutionary Strength, By Scott Carney Überprüfen von E-Buch wird sicherlich nie minimieren und Ihre Zeit wertlos. Check - out, für einige Leute kommen eine Voraussetzung sein , die für das Essen wie verbringen Zeit jeden Tag so zu tun ist. Nun, genau das, was Sie in Bezug auf ? Bevorzugen Sie ein E-Book lesen? Jetzt werden wir Ihnen ein brandneues E-Book qualifiziert What Doesn't Kill Us: How Freezing Water, Extreme Altitude, And Environmental Conditioning Will Renew Our Lost Evolutionary Strength, By Scott Carney zeigen , dass eine brandneue Methode sein könnte , die Know - how zu erkunden. Beim Lesen dieses, könnten Sie etwas zu konsequent beachten Sie in jeder Lesezeit, auch detailliert bekommen.

What Doesn't Kill Us: how freezing water, extreme altitude, and environmental conditioning will renew our lost evolutionary strength, by Scott Carney

PDF Ebook What Doesn't Kill Us: how freezing water, extreme altitude, and environmental conditioning will renew our lost evolutionary strength, by Scott Carney
What Doesn't Kill Us: How Freezing Water, Extreme Altitude, And Environmental Conditioning Will Renew Our Lost Evolutionary Strength, By Scott Carney Wie durch Lesen ein Grundkonzept können Sie ein erfolgreiches Einzel verbessern sein? Lesung What Doesn't Kill Us: How Freezing Water, Extreme Altitude, And Environmental Conditioning Will Renew Our Lost Evolutionary Strength, By Scott Carney ist eine äußerst einfache Tätigkeit. Doch nur , wie kann eine Menge Leute so faul sein zu überprüfen? Sie werden es vorziehen , ihre Ausfallzeiten zu plaudern oder Geselligkeit zu verbringen. Wenn sie als eine Tatsache, Lesen What Doesn't Kill Us: How Freezing Water, Extreme Altitude, And Environmental Conditioning Will Renew Our Lost Evolutionary Strength, By Scott Carney Sie sicherlich mehr Möglichkeiten bieten mit den Bemühungen um erfolgreich zu sein abgeschlossen.
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`As a Navy SEAL, you live by the mantra `What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger.' We would hear this phrase and repeat it, but we never had any proof that it was factual. Yet through comprehensive study, Scott Carney has brilliantly documented how engaging in environmental conditioning, breathing, meditation, and other techniques can actually make us physically and mentally stronger. What Doesn't Kill Us is a fascinating book that will captivate all who read it and that will be of immense value to those in the military, those who are active in sports, and those who seek an alternate means of developing greater mental and physical strength.' -- Don D. Mann * Don D. Mann, New York Times bestselling author, Inside SEAL Team SIX * `The further we get from the harsh environmental conditions that once threatened our existence, the more we need them. I see this every weekend at a Spartan Race somewhere in the world. Millions of otherwise sane people line up to suffer and push themselves to their physical limits, and it feels good. What Doesn't Kill Us is a fascinating investigation into the innate urge that drives people like these, and reveals how some have managed to use environmental conditioning to accomplish truly extraordinary things.' -- John DeSena * founder of Spartan Race * `Scott Carney is so curious about getting to the truth of things that he is willing to endure great pain and suffering to get there. While investigating the controversial methods of Wim Hof and others operating on the scientific fringe, Carney entered a skeptic yet emerged a true believer. In What Doesn't Kill Us, readers get to follow him along on his transformational journey, and the insights are truly fascinating. Informative, fun, and with a healthy degree of danger, this is a book for the adventurer in all of us.' -- Gabriel Reece * Co-founder of XPT (Extreme Performance Training) * `As this engaging autoethnography relates, anthropologist and investigative journalist Carney was skeptical upon encountering a photo of a nearly naked Wim Hof sitting on a glacier in the Arctic Circle. Hof, a Dutch fitness guru who runs a training camp in Poland's wilderness, claims he can control his body temperature and immune system solely with his mind; though Carney set out to prove Hof a charlatan, he was instead won over. Carney documents his interactions with Hof and the many others who have learned to control their bodies in seemingly impossible ways: he learned Hof's breathing techniques for tricking the body into doing things it isn't evolutionarily designed for, and underwent training to face extreme cold while barely clothed. It is this training that enables Hof and Carney to summit Mt. Kilimanjaro in 28 hours while wearing shorts. This is part guide and part popular science book; readers will learn about how Neanderthals used the body's `brown fat' to keep warm and how exposure nearly reverses the symptoms of diabetes. The accomplishments Carney documents are unbelievable and fascinating; this isn't a how-to for those looking to perform extraordinary feats, but it is an entertaining account that will appeal to the adventurous.' * Publishers Weekly * `Climbing a mountain in nothing but a pair of shorts seems idiotic to most, but for Wim Hof and his companions, it's just another day. When investigative journalist and anthropologist Carney heard about Hof's mind-boggling methods and claims that he could `hack' the human body, he knew he had to venture to Poland to expose this fraud. But in just a few days, Hof changed Carney's mind, and so began a friendship and a new adventure. Carney now chronicles his journey to push himself mentally and physically using Wim Hof's method of cold exposure, breath-holding, and meditation to tap into our primal selves. Our ancestors survived harsh conditions without modern technology, while we live in comfortable bubbles with little to struggle against and wonder how they survived. The question is, `What happens when we push our bodies to the limit?' Carney calls on evolutionary biology and other modern scientific disciplines to explore and explain Hof's unconventional methods. Fresh and exciting, this book has wide appeal for readers interested in health, sports, self-improvement, and extreme challenges.' * Booklist * `When it's cold outside, do you turn the heating up? Do you always put a coat on before going out? Do you think your comfortable life is good for you? If so, you have to read Scott Carney's What Doesn't Kill Us. Through some great stories - which often involve Carney in the snow without much on - and some serious research, he shows us how to escape the bland, shuffling gait of our centrally-heated, fleece-jacketed, molly-coddled lives by diving head first into the ice-cold, axe-sharp, scary experiences that made our ancestors' hearts beat faster every day. If we do that, we can awake from the dull slumber of modern life, and open our eyes to a better, healthier dawn of crisp air, better circulation, and the ability to truly mean it when we say: I'm alive. Buy this book, and you'll emerge a stronger, healthier, more human human.' -- James Wallman * author of Stuffocation: Living More With Less * `I always knew that jumping into freezing water makes you feel brilliant afterwards, but now I know why.' -- William Leith * The Spectator * '[Wim Hof] has become a phenomenon, and Carney is an entertaining guide to his world and his followers.' * The Times 'Book of the Week' *
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Scott Carney is an award-winning investigative journalist and anthropologist whose stories blend narrative nonfiction with ethnography. His reporting has taken him to some of the most dangerous and unlikely corners of the world. He is a senior fellow at the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism and a fellow at the Center for Environmental Journalism at the University of Colorado Boulder. He is the author of The Red Market and A Death on Diamond Mountain, and has been a contributing editor at Wired. Other works of his have appeared in Mother Jones, Foreign Policy, Playboy, Details, Discover, Outside, and Fast Company, among other publications. He lives in Denver with his wife, Laura, and their cat, Lambert.
Taschenbuch: 272 Seiten
Verlag: Scribe Publications (10. Januar 2019)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1911617540
ISBN-13: 978-1911617549
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
12,9 x 1,7 x 19,8 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
3.3 von 5 Sternen
6 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 8.897 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
I read this book on the recommendation of a youtube channel called, 'The evoloution of Dave'. I wanted to learn a little about Wim Hof the man and this now rightfully famous and fascinating 'Wim Hof method'. This book is more about one man and his journey to improve his health and take on physical challenges using the Wim Hof method. He will share his experience of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in 2 days (That was a very interesting read for some insight into Wim Hof, who was leading the group and his psychology and drive), taking on the Tough guy challenge in the UK (very interesting insight into the history of this and its connection with Tough Mudder, just dont mention to Billy Wilson!!) and spending time with people who develop training programmes for the US military to prepare them for extreme conditions and talking with other famous people who have developed training programmes using variations of the Wim Hof method or a similar philosophy to strengthening the body using breath and cold exposure. I loved the book for the insight on Wim Hof. It was really very fascinating. however, the reason I gave it only 3 stars was because this book was more about Scott Carney and his style of writing only thinly veils a bit too much self praise, in my opinion. but that is just my opinion. The book itself is a good read if you want to know a little more about Wim Hof before investing in his course.
Klasse Buch für alle, die sich mit der Wim Hof Methode beschäftigen und sich aktiv gegen die Verweichlichung der Gesellschaft wehren 😉Absolut lesenswert!
Excellent book. The story is so good and you will keep reading it everyday. Also you get a lot of health information and fun chapters. Definitely recommended
Mir hat ber Titel des Buches initial sehr zugesagt, besonders nachdem ich einenn sechswöchigen Kurs zu diesem Thema absolviert habe.Leid habe ich beim lesen des Buches festgestellt, dass die Inhalte an vielen wichtigen Stellen schlecht recherchiet und schlichtweg nicht korrekt sind.Komplexe chemische Vorgänge, die im Körper bei hyperventilation stattfinden, werden falsch und nahezu absurd erklärt.Als Leser mit medizinischer Ausbildung kann ich dieses Buch NICHT weiterempfehlen.Ich habe mich dazu entschieden das Buch nicht zuende zu lesen und stattdessen diese Rezession zu schreiben.
Wer extreme Herausforderungen an seinen Körper stellt braucht einen langen Atem.In früheren Zeiten waren die Leute von der Geburt an bis zum Tod mit ihrer Umwelt konfrontiert. Ein Neandertaler ist auch nichtnackt durch den Wald gezogen.Dem Buch fehlt der Aufbau vom Anfänger zum Profi. Mit ein paar Atemübungen und kalten Bädern ist es sicher auf Dauer nicht geregelt.Sportliche Höchstleistungen werden durch Dauer und Perfektion der Übungen erreicht.Mir gefällt der Stil des Buches nicht besonders.
Ich bewerte nicht oft Bücher, da so etwas mMn immer sehr subjektiv bewertet wird, aber dieses Buch hier fand ich wirklich interessant, logisch schlüssig und ich habe es bisher vielen Menschen empfohlen oder zumindest vom Inhalt erzählt.Meine (seltene) Empfehlung!
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