Ebook Between the World and Me, by Ta-Nehisi Coates

Between the World and Me, by Ta-Nehisi Coates

Ebook Between the World and Me, by Ta-Nehisi Coates
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“I’ve been wondering who might fill the intellectual void that plagued me after James Baldwin died. Clearly it is Ta-Nehisi Coates. The language of Between the World and Me, like Coates’s journey, is visceral, eloquent, and beautifully redemptive. And its examination of the hazards and hopes of black male life is as profound as it is revelatory. This is required reading.”—Toni Morrison “Powerful and passionate . . . profoundly moving . . . a searing meditation on what it means to be black in America today.”—Michiko Kakutani, The New York Times “Really powerful and emotional.”—John Legend, The Wall Street Journal “Extraordinary . . . [Coates] writes an impassioned letter to his teenage son—a letter both loving and full of a parent’s dread—counseling him on the history of American violence against the black body, the young African-American’s extreme vulnerability to wrongful arrest, police violence, and disproportionate incarceration.”—David Remnick, The New Yorker “Brilliant . . . a riveting meditation on the state of race in America . . . [Coates] is firing on all cylinders, and it is something to behold: a mature writer entirely consumed by a momentous subject and working at the extreme of his considerable powers at the very moment national events most conform to his vision.”—The Washington Post “An eloquent blend of history, reportage, and memoir written in the tradition of James Baldwin with echoes of Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man . . . It is less a typical memoir of a particular time and place than an autobiography of the black body in America. . . . Coates writes with tenderness, especially of his wife, child, and extended family, and with frankness. . . . Coates’s success, in this book and elsewhere, is due to his lucidity and innate dignity, his respect for himself and for others. He refuses to preach or talk down to white readers or to plead for acceptance: He never wonders why we just can’t all get along. He knows government policies make getting along near impossible.”—The Boston Globe “For someone who proudly calls himself an atheist, Coates gives us a whole lot of ‘Can I get an amen?’ in this slim and essential volume of familial joy and rigorous struggle. . . . [He] has become the most sought-after public intellectual on the issue of race in America, with good reason. Between the World and Me . . . is at once a magnification and a distillation of our existence as black people in a country we were not meant to survive. It is a straight tribute to our strength, endurance and grace. . . . [Coates] speaks resolutely and vividly to all of black America.”—Los Angeles Times “A crucial book during this moment of generational awakening.”—The New Yorker “A work that’s both titanic and timely, Between the World and Me is the latest essential reading in America’s social canon.”—Entertainment Weekly “Coates delivers a beautiful lyrical call for consciousness in the face of racial discrimination in America. . . . Between the World and Me is in the same mode of The Fire Next Time; it is a book designed to wake you up. . . . An exhortation against blindness.”—The Guardian “Coates has crafted a deeply moving and poignant letter to his own son. . . . [His] book is a compelling mix of history, analysis and memoir. Between the World and Me is a much-needed artifact to document the times we are living in [from] one of the leading public intellectuals of our generation. . . . The experience of having a sage elder speak directly to you in such lyrical, gorgeous prose—language bursting with the revelatory thought and love of black life—is a beautiful thing.”—The Root “Rife with love, sadness, anger and struggle, Between the World and Me charts a path through the American gauntlet for both the black child who will inevitably walk the world alone and for the black parent who must let that child walk away.”—Newsday “Poignant, revelatory and exceedingly wise, Between the World and Me is an essential clarion call to our collective conscience. We ignore it at our own peril.”—San Francisco Chronicle “Masterfully written . . . powerful storytelling.”—New York Post “One of the most riveting and heartfelt books to appear in some time . . . The book achieves a level of clarity and eloquence reminiscent of Ralph Ellison’s classic Invisible Man. . . . The perspective [Coates] brings to American life is one that no responsible citizen or serious scholar can safely ignore.”—Foreign Affairs “Urgent, lyrical, and devastating in its precision, Coates has penned a new classic of our time.”—Vogue “Powerful.”—The Economist “A work of rare beauty and revelatory honesty . . . Between the World and Me is a love letter written in a moral emergency, one that Coates exposes with the precision of an autopsy and the force of an exorcism. . . . Coates is frequently lauded as one of America’s most important writers on the subject of race today, but this in fact undersells him: Coates is one of America’s most important writers on the subject of America today. . . . [He’s] a polymath whose breadth of knowledge on matters ranging from literature to pop culture to French philosophy to the Civil War bleeds through every page of his book, distilled into profound moments of discovery, immensely erudite but never showy.”—Slate “The most important book I’ve read in years . . . an illuminating, edifying, educational, inspiring experience.”—Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center “It’s an indescribably enlightening, enraging, important document about being black in America today. Coates is perhaps the best we have, and this book is perhaps the best he’s ever been.”—Deadspin “Vital reading at this moment in America.”—U.S. News & World Report “[Coates] has crafted a highly provocative, thoughtfully presented, and beautifully written narrative. . . . Much of what Coates writes may be difficult for a majority of Americans to process, but that’s the incisive wisdom of it. Read it, think about it, take a deep breath and read it again. The spirit of James Baldwin lives within its pages.”—The Christian Science Monitor “Part memoir, part diary, and wholly necessary, it is precisely the document this country needs right now.”—New Republic “A moving testament to what it means to be black and an American in our troubled age . . . Between the World and Me feels of-the-moment, but like James Baldwin’s celebrated 1963 treatise The Fire Next Time, it stands to become a classic on the subject of race in America.”—The Seattle Times “Riveting . . . Coates delivers a fiery soliloquy dissecting the tradition of the erasure of African-Americans beginning with the deeply personal.”—Minneapolis Star Tribune “[Between the World and Me] is not a Pollyanna, coming-of-age memoir about how idyllic life was growing up in America. It is raw. It is searing. . . . [It’s] a book that should be read and shared by everyone, as it is a story that painfully and honestly explores the age-old question of what it means to grow up black and male in America.”—The Baltimore Sun “A searing indictment of America’s legacy of violence, institutional and otherwise, against blacks.”—Chicago Tribune “I know that this book is addressed to the author’s son, and by obvious analogy to all boys and young men of color as they pass, inexorably, into harm’s way. I hope that I will be forgiven, then, for feeling that Ta-Nehisi Coates was speaking to me, too, one father to another, teaching me that real courage is the courage to be vulnerable, to admit having fallen short of the mark, to stay open-hearted and curious in the face of hate and lies, to remain skeptical when there is so much comfort in easy belief, to acknowledge the limits of our power to protect our children from harm and, hardest of all, to see how the burden of our need to protect becomes a burden on them, one that we must, sooner or later, have the wisdom and the awful courage to surrender.”—Michael Chabon “Ta-Nehisi Coates is the James Baldwin of our era, and this is his cri de coeur. A brilliant thinker at the top of his powers, he has distilled four hundred years of history and his own anguish and wisdom into a prayer for his beloved son and an invocation to the conscience of his country. Between the World and Me is an instant classic and a gift to us all.”—Isabel Wilkerson, author of The Warmth of Other Suns
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Ta-Nehisi Coates is a national correspondent for The Atlantic. His book Between the World and Me won the National Book Award in 2015. Coates is the recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship. He lives in New York City with his wife and son.
Alle Produktbeschreibungen
Taschenbuch: 176 Seiten
Verlag: Spiegel & Grau (5. September 2017)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0525510303
ISBN-13: 978-0525510307
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
10,7 x 1,2 x 17,4 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.3 von 5 Sternen
18 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 11.873 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Das Buch zeigt wie wenige andere, wie ähnlich sich Menschen auf der ganzen Welt sind. Jeder Mensch der zu einer Minderheit (oder ausgegrenzten Gruppe) in einem Land gehört, wird diese gedanken die in diesem Buch beschrieben werden schon mal gehabt haben. Herr Coates beschreibt mit seiner Ehrlichkeit etwas das nur zu selten angesprochen und zu oft falsch verstanden wird. Jeder weitere Satz würde dann Inhalt nur Spoilern.Lange Rede kurzer Sinn:Ein Buch für jeden der Rassismus erkennen und verstehen will.
An eye-opening masterpiece with potential life-changing consequences. A must-read, no matter which part of the world you are in.
This man has much to say to the world and in this book he describes the way he grew up and how he continues to view the world. It is highly personal and well worth the reading.
Muss man einfach gelesen haben. Profound, honest, auf keinen Fall flach Oder abgedroschen, auch für Menschen die sich schon vielfach mit dem Thema auseinander gesetzt haben ein wirklich tolles Buch.
Amazing book. So well written.
Absolute a 'must read'. Please invest in really understanding this book.
Writing style convoluted, stream of consciousness with slightly off idiomaticity. Abundance of abstract words-for-words' sake. But another little piece of the racism puzzle added to the pool.
Selten habe ich zwei so unterschiedliche Bücher mit ähnlichem Thema und ähnlicher Botschaft gelesen wie diese beiden: Bryan Stevensons "Mercy" und Ta-Nehisi Coates' "Between the World and Me". Auf der einen Seite der Anwalt Stevenson, der stets nachdrücklich, aber mit äußerster Vorsicht gegen die Willkür von Polizei und Justiz ankämpft, mit dem Wohl seiner Klienten im Hinterkopf, was ihn auch bei seinen öffentlichen Auftritten immer verbindlich bleiben lässt, auf der anderen der Journalist und Autor Coates, der nichts zu verlieren zu haben scheint und dessen Buch eine bitterböse Anklage ist gegen eine Gesellschaft, die nicht realisiert, dass die Zerstörungen von 250 Jahren Sklaverei nach wie vor als Krebsgeschwür in ihr wuchern, oft deutlich sichtbar, aber oft auch gut verborgen.Es sind ja nicht nur die ungesühnten Morde, die weiße (und schwarze!) Polizisten an sich zur falschen Zeit am falschen Ort befindlichen Schwarzen begehen, sondern auch die kleinen Erniedrigungen des täglichen Lebens, bei denen wieder und wieder zum Ausdruck kommt, wie fest und oft unbewusst in "denen, die meinen, dass sie weiß sind" der Glaube an eine angeborene, naturgegebene Überlegenheit verankert ist.Geschrieben als offener Brief an den Sohn und gedacht als offener Brief an die Nation, ist "Between the World and Me" ein mehr oder weniger unsortierter Ausbruch, eine wilde Mischung aus Erinnerungen, Einsichten, Analysen, Warnungen, Forderungen und Hoffnungen - nein, Hoffnungen eher nicht: sein Fazit ist zutiefst pessimistisch, und das Unvermögen Amerikas, seine Probleme zu erkennen und daraus Konsequenzen zu ziehen, gibt ihm dazu reichlich Futter.Und wenn wir Europäer meinen, wir wären so viel besser als die Amis und könnten uns geschichtsbewusstseinsmäßig entspannt zurücklehnen: Die Folgen von Hunderten Jahren Kolonialismus kriegen wir gerade um die Ohren gehauen. Und wes Geistes Kinder viele von uns auch heute noch sind, haben die Clausnitzer und Bautzener Mobs gerade in diesen Tagen wieder deutlich klargemacht. Dabei könnten wir im Umgang mit den Flüchtlingen zeigen, was wir aus dem Dritten Reich gelernt haben, aber das will in bedenklich viele Köpfe nicht rein.
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